Monday 10 August 2015

[GET] Udemy - Hypnosis- Stop Teeth Grinding With Self Hypnosis

Hypnosis- Stop Teeth Grinding With Self Hypnosis

Hypnosis- Stop Teeth Grinding And Control Your Anger With Self Hypnosis, Affirmations, Imagery And Visualizations. 

Course Description

In this course titled 'Hypnosis- Stop Teeth Grinding With Self Hypnosis' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn -
  • 1. What is tooth grinding? 1) Tooth Grinding is also known as bruxism. 2) Bruxism is a condition which is generally characterized by involuntary teeth grinding, clenching and gnashing, often performed unconsciously either throughout the day or whilst sleeping. 2. Emotional Causes of teeth grinding? 1) Teeth grinding is also a way of dealing with anxiety and stress. 2) Depression 3) Anger 4) Frustration 5) Suppressed feelings 3. How Self Hypnosis Can Help? 1) Self hypnosis helps accelerates your healing process. 2) Self hypnosis helps maintain positive attitude. 3) Self Hypnosis helps you to relax and calm down. 4) Self hypnosis treats stress, anxiety, nervousness and depression successfully. 1) Self hypnosis helps to replace old bad habits with a new productive one. 2) Self hypnosis makes you aware of general tensions in your body. 3) Self hypnosis helps you sleep better and feel more refreshed when you wake. 4) Using self hypnosis you find yourself handling stressful situations more calmly. 5) With self hypnosis you feel generally more resilient and positive. 6) Using self hypnosis you no longer grind your teeth.
  • It is for everyone who are suffering from the problem of teeth grinding in nervous and tensed situations which they have picked up psychologically during their childhood and want to overcome it to avoid embarrassment and become more successful
It is also very helpful for people who want to get over depression , anxiety , insomnia , negativity and stress.
This course contains a lot of exercises and more than 30 minutes of live video content designed over 8 lectures in English including bonuses.
This course contains-
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Remove Myths About Self Hypnosis
Lecture 3: Conscious Mind Vs Subconscious Mind
Lecture 4: How To Enter Into The State Of Self Hypnosis
Lecture 5: How To Master Self Hypnosis To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind
Lecture 6: Guided Visualization Exercise: To Overcome Teeth Grinding
Lecture 7: Summary
Lecture 8: Bonus Exercise - Affirmations For Depression, Stress, Insomnia And Negativity

What are the requirements?

  • PC with High Speed Internet
  • Quiet Room
  • High Level of Focus and Concentration
  • Notebook and Pen
  • Headphones

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 8 lectures and 38 mins of content!
  • By the end of the course you will be able to remove teeth grinding habits using self hypnosis
  • You will be able to reduce stress, depression , insomnia and negativity using powerful self hypnosis and affirmations
  • You will be able to relax instantly using self hypnosis techniques
  • You will be able to remove nervousness and overcome teeth grinding with the powerful techniques of self hypnosis, visualization, imagery and affirmations

What is the target audience?

  • This course is also very useful for people who are suffering from negative thoughts, lack of sleep , depression and stress
  • This course is a must for those who are unable to control their nervousness and have teeth grinding habits
  • Age group 16 and Above

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