Thursday 20 August 2015

[GET] Udemy - The Comprehensive Guide to C#

The Comprehensive Guide to C#

Become a C# Developer today. Learn the fundamentals of C# and object-oriented programming. 

Course Description

Build a strong foundation in C# and object-oriented programming with this tutorial for beginners.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Installation
  • Data Types
  • Classes, Objects, Methods
  • Loops and Conditionals
  • Arrays
  • Inheritance, Exception Handling
  • Controls and Handling Events
  • And much more!
C# - The Foundation Language: Learning the fundamentals of C# puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. C# is a great object-oriented language that is used in Mobile and Platform Development including: Mobile Applications and Video Games!
C# developers are in demand and being able to learn C# will give you a strong background to more easily pick up other object-oriented languages such as Java, C, Python or C++.
Content and Overview:
Suitable for beginning and intermediate programmers. This course provides 96 lectures with over 10 hours of video! You'll learn all of the C# fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind object-oriented programming. Each chapter closes with a homework exercise, a class exercise and a lecture quiz, to ensure a challenging learning experience.
Students completing the course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful C# programs. In addition, students will be able to use other IDE's (Integrated Development Environment) such as: Eclipse, Unreal Engine, Unity and Android Development Kit to develop their own applications and games for market use on Android, Apple and Windows Marketplace!
Complete with code samples, you'll be able to work alongside the instructor as you work through each concept. This course can also be used effectively for understanding college- level C# or object-oriented programming. Students can utilize the course as a refresher or as a tutoring resource with great results!
What am I going to get from this course?
  • Over 96 lectures and 10+ hours of video content!
  • Hands on examples with class exercise where students will program alongside the instructor .
  • All lectures are geared towards pushing the fundamentals of C#; which will prepare students for college, entry level jobs and personal projects!
  • Mid-Term Project, Final Project, Homework and Quizzes will test your progress and gives direct feedback.
  • The instructor will be available for questions via discussion threads and email

What are the requirements?

  • Visual Studio 2012-2013
  • Microsoft Word of a Notebook w/ Pen
  • Windows Operating System (Mac Users can use BOOTCAMP).

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 96 lectures and 8 hours of content!
  • Program in C#
  • Create Video Games
  • Develop Applications
  • Understand Object Oriented Programming
  • Develop with Visual Studios
  • Build Console Programs using C#
  • Build Windows Application Programs using C#
  • Understand Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Create a foundation to learn JAVA, C++ and other languages

What is the target audience?

  • This C# course is meant for beginners to programming languages or people new to object oriented programing. This course will be a refresher for people familiar with other programming languages and will serve as a great tool for college-level practice.
  • This course will assume you know a little bit about computers and programming concepts. This course will cover the basics of overall programming terminology but not in-depth

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