Monday 31 August 2015

[GET] Udemy - Double Your Salary: Interview Hacks for Dream 6-Figure Jobs

Double Your Salary: Interview Hacks for Dream 6-Figure Jobs

Top Interview Hacks That Will Make You Stand Out Before & During The Interview To Never Miss A Job Opportunity Again 

Course Description

  • Top Udemy Instructor with 8 successful courses, 7,500 students and 270+ Five Star Reviews.
  • Course Updated on 25th August 2015.
Ever walked into an Interview, though it went amazing, only to find out the recruiters eventually decided to hire someone else? Were you ever nervous, got caught by surprise or simply thought your answers weren't good enough?
Most importantly - are these shortcomings keeping you from unlocking your full potential and progressing towards that 6 or 7 figure career that we all dream about?
I have been through 25+ Job Interviews and Assessment Centres. I have landed jobs with prestigious companies - including a TOP Management Consulting Firm and 2 Telecommunications Multinationals.
Am I gifted with great Interviewing skills? Do I have more talent than you? Probably not. As a matter of fact, I was in a similar position as you are now: I had to go through a ton of applications and handle a lot of rejections even though I was consistently getting through to the final rounds. But I never gave up and made a concerted effort to see what my weaknesses were and how I can improve in my next Interview...
Being great at Interviews is not a trait reserved for the most talented business-savvy people out there. It's a skill that you build with time, preparation & experience. That's why in this course I have packaged the knowledge that I have acquired throughout my journey and I'm sharing it with you so that you can take control of your career and never look back.
So What's The Secret?
It's easy: you just have to differentiate yourself from everybody else. Be it through out-of-the-box methods and/or great interviewing skills, you need to stand above all the other candidates.
You can do that with these interview hacks (and more!), which are all included in this course:
  • The Online Portfolio Blueprint: Out-of-the-box ideas that will make recruiters want to meet you before you've even laid foot in the room. This is an approach that only 1% of candidates take…
  • The Accomplishment Storytelling Tutorial: know how to position your Interview answers so that you instantly communicate your results-driven approach that will bring employers immediate value
  • Interview Questions Dictionary: a comprehensive list (20) of the most challenging questions that you will face along with the model answers
Plus 3 Bonuses:
  • The Interview Checklist: for 60 minutes before the interview to ensure that you're 100% prepared and relaxed
  • Real Case studies from my connections including how my ex-investment banking friend increased his salary by over $24,000 per year
  • Exotic interview methods including how to nail phone interviews
The "Be Successful In Your Next Interview" Guarantee
I always want to surpass my students' expectations. I always strive to make my material as implementable as possible. That's why I'm extremely confident that this course will make you successful in your next Interview. You have a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, but I trust that the value you will find in this course will exceed your expectations.
However, if you have gone through it and applied the advice and are STILL not convinced, then I will organise a Mock Interview session with you via Skype so that I can assess your weaknesses and help you improve so that you never fail an Interview again.
The Path Has Been Laid Out To You…
The only thing that's left to do is for you to commit to take action and take your interview skills to the next level. Take this course now and never fail a Job Interview again!

What are the requirements?

  • Be Open-Minded And Committed To Taking Action

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 64 lectures and 3.5 hours of content!
  • Know Exactly How To Prepare For A Job Interview So That They Never Fail One Again
  • Develop A Framework For Answering The Toughest Interview Questions And Impress Recruiters With Their Accomplishment-based Storytelling
  • Adopt Out-Of-The-Box Interview Approaches That Only 1% Of Candidates Use And Instantly Stand Out From The Pack
  • Develop A Large Network (100+) Within A Company With Minimal Effort Before Even Joining
  • Have That Passion For Getting The Job That Most Managers Love To See
  • Build An Accomplishment Diary To Always Remember Your Career Highlights And Use Them In Interviews
  • Master Answering To 7 Different Types Of Competency-Based Interview Questions That All Top Employers Ask
  • Distinguish Between Phone & Face-To-Face Interviews And Know Exactly How To Prepare For Both
  • Download The Interview Checklists To Never Forget Any Crucial Step/Resource Before An Interview
  • Access To Several Case Studies From My Connections And Their Impressive Interview-Related Accomplishments

What is the target audience?

  • Anybody Who Has Struggled With Interviewing And Wants To Know The Fastest Hacks To Improving
  • Students/Beginners Who Want To Prepare For Their First Such Experiences
  • Anybody Who Dreams About That First 6-Figure Job

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