Wednesday 19 August 2015

[GET] Udemy - Finish and publish any KINDLE book YOU want to write!

Finish and publish any KINDLE book YOU want to write!

Ever wish you actually published what you wrote? Ever wanted to be an author? After this course, you will finally do so! 

Course Description

Have you ever wanted to write a book but never had time? Maybe it never felt like the right moment in your life that you were ready to "put pen to paper" or maybe you never had the proper motivation.
Whatever the reason is, THE TIME IS NOW!
You are STILL reading this course summary (this very line of text) because you are intrigued at the thought of finishing and publishing your own book. KEEP READING!
With this course you only need ONE thing; an idea. That's it. I don't care if that sounds corny or cliche, it's the truth. Take you idea with you to every lecture and get ready. Once you have an idea for your book, I guarantee you will have the strategies to finish before you ever lose motivation again. We are going to capitalize on the momentum we create and I am going to push you until you finish your book!
*As a bonus I am going to show you exactly how to take your book straight to the Kindle marketplace and get you situated for publication.
This course is about one thing. Finishing your book. Is it possible to finish in less than 48 hours? You bet. I did and it was wonderful. But do you HAVE to spend the next 48 hours straight writing away at your desk? NO!
My strategy to writing quickly is just like the course, we dive right in and we get to work! If you can't handle that then this is the wrong course for you.
I published my own book in 2014 called "Picky eating into adulthood" and I loved every second of it. But I can't stress enough that my entire reasoning for finishing the book was because of my secrets that I unlocked. YES, I sat down for 48 hours (less) and wrote my book. I finished with the extra time and I figured out how to handle everything else that goes into publishing on the Kindle market.
I waste no time in telling you what these secrets are and I sure as heck don't want to waste your TIME with any fluff or hand holding. I want you to take this course for what it is. If you follow along and actually trust the process and what I am telling you, you will have a finished book in 48 hours or less. Guaranteed.
I am very excited to read what you write! So what are you waiting for? The time is now.
See you in the lectures!
Happy writing,
Jeremy Alexander

What are the requirements?

  • Come into this course with an idea for a book! Does not matter what kind of book, just have an idea in mind and you are on your way!
  • Access to google docs is helpful but not mandatory!
  • Having a Fiverr account may come as useful later down the road but also not mandatory!

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 24 lectures and 1 hour of content!
  • ACTUALLY FINISH YOUR book and have it published on the Kindle Marketplace!
  • Learn the TWO BIGGEST SECRETS to writing quickly
  • Apply the two biggest secrets effectively and be aware of your market
  • Know how to upload to KDP when they are finished with their book
  • Be on the lookout for the best people to use on Fiverr
  • Use Fiverr for formatting, proofreading and creating an amazing cover photo
  • Learn the basics of marketing their book once it is finished!
  • Learn the benefits of being enrolled in all of Kindles special promos
  • Learn the big secret to having a book website and why you can and should make it with Wordpress
  • Apply basic writing principles to any kind of book and actually finish your book

What is the target audience?

  • Those who actually want to FINISH their book will LOVE this course
  • If you have already written a book on KINDLE you will NOT find this course AS useful
  • Those who have always wanted to publish to KINDLE but never thought it was the write time. See what I did there?

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