Wednesday 2 October 2013

[GET] Udemy - Master Your Memory

Master Your Memory

Transform your life: Learn how your mind works, strategies, and techniques that will drastically improve your memory


by Transformation Services Inc
Are you ready to transform and master you memory?
Mastering your memory will transform every aspect of your life. Better memory can make you a better student, more powerful speaker, move you further in your career or business, and increase your ability to recognize opportunities all around you. It will help you drastically cut down the time it takes you to memorize information, as well as help you effortlessly recall the things you have learned. You may be wondering how memory impacts your life. Well, for starters what you remember impacts how you view the world, the way you communicate, how you define love, your career choices, and what makes you happy. All of this comes from past memories. These past memories give us a foundation to understand the world and how we fit in it. Therefore, mastering your memory is not only about taking in factual information, it’s about creating a life that you want with less stress and more freedom.
This course is for YOU if:
    ·You want to effortlessly memorize and recall information.
    ·You want to cut down the time you study or prepare for something.
    ·You want to have your mind work for you instead of you for it.
    ·You want to be more organized.
    ·You want to improve your relationships in your life.
    ·You want to create success in school, career, or business.
The difference with this program:
The difference between this course and other memory courses out there is that most courses only focus on giving you memory techniques (which we DO give you in this courses). Knowing memory techniques is great, however they are of limited help if you don’t truly know how your brain works and, specifically, how take in information and recall it. By knowing how to master your memory you will be able to more easily apply these techniques and take control of your mind at a deeper level.
The Journey
Intro to memory: We will shortly introduce what memory is and the impact that to has on your life.
Types of memories: Knowing the types of memories that your mind processes is important in order to create a foundation of understanding.
Repetition and level of processing: Discussing why repetition is not affective and how our minds actually process information.
Emotions: Our emotions create our reality and our emotions are one of the biggest factors in storing information long term, and quickly. We will go over the power of emotions and how to use it to mater your memory.
Positions: How long should you study material and how should you potion it?
Mnemonics: These are the memory techniques that will give you short cuts to remembering anything, rapidly.
Further tips and strategies: These tips and strategies will give you the tools and knowhow to take your memory to the next level.

SECTION 1: Introduction

    Lecture 1:
    Intro To Memory
    Lecture 2:
    Quiz 1

SECTION 2: Understanding Memory

    Lecture 3:
    Repetition and Levels of Processing
    Lecture 4:
    Types of Memory

SECTION 3: Tips and Strategies

    Lecture 5:
    Lecture 6:
    Lecture 7:
    Lecture 8:
    Tips and Strategies

SECTION 4: Summary

    Lecture 9:
    Putting It All Together
    Lecture 10:
    Quiz 2

SECTION 5: Bonus: Power of your Mind

    Lecture 11:
    Power of Your Mind Exercise


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