Wednesday 2 October 2013

[GET] Udemy - Deliver Money-Making Presentations: Put power in your pitch

Deliver Money-Making Presentations: Put power in your pitch

Learn to Give a Compelling Business Presentation and Get Your Audience to Do What You Want


by Jason Teteak
Why should you take this course?
People serious about making money take this course because they have to deliver a make-or-break presentation to:
  • Do a pitch for a startup
  • Convince a big client
  • Get more sales
  • Gain support from their boss
  • Get a promotion
  • Get any audience to do what they want
A simple elevator pitch won't do it for you...
Do you like to listen to the elevator pitch of other people? Of course not. So, why would others want to hear yours?
What WILL help you is to ensure that you have a true value proposition that's interesting, provocative, and shows your audience what's in it for them.
This course will show you how to make what you say valuable so you can persuade and motivate others to act on it. I will personally model the exact techniques and specific skills you need to do just that. You'll learn dozens of techniques you’ve never seen before to get YOUR audience to do what you want.
Don't take my word for it. Hear what others have to say...
"I figured Jason Teteak might have a few new tricks—but not much that I hadn’t heard before. I was wrong. Jason integrates the latest research on presenting, learning, and audience dynamics with a captivating style that plays with the ironic fact that he is doing presentations… about presentation skills. And therein lies the secret to this marvelous program."
- Philip Deloria - Professor and Associate Dean, University of Michigan
"It's pretty simple. Jason Teteak walks the talk. In this day and age, finding a true thought leader amongst many is the key to getting to new levels. Listening to Jason and benefitting from his teachings will take you to that new level you seek. He is cutting edge, extremely practical and connects in a way that is motivating, informing and memorable. Some of the biggest benefits received from Jason are tactics, ideas and methods that are immediately implementable. Watch Jason’s program before your competition does."
- Al Lautenslager - Best-selling Author, Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days
“I have been to several seminars on public speaking and giving presentations, including Dale Carnegie training. I truly went into this thinking that I couldn't possibly learn anything new, but I found myself scribbling notes like a mad woman during the presentation. I quickly realized that these were tips and techniques that I had never heard before, and that I could use immediately upon my return to the office.”
- Joey Monson-Lillie - Human Resources Manager


    Lecture 1:
    Intro: Welcome to the course!

SECTION 1: Hook Your Audience: It's Not About You, It's About Them

    Lecture 2:
    Put Power In Your Pitch: Make Boring...
    Lecture 3:
    Your Turn to Make Boring Topics...
    Lecture 4:
    Hide Your Nerves and Fear
    Lecture 5:
    Your Turn to Hide Your Nerves and Fear

SECTION 2: Build Relationships

    Lecture 6:
    Make Comfortable Small Talk
    Lecture 7:
    Your Turn to Make Comfortable Small...
    Lecture 8:
    Keep Them Listening and Interacting
    Lecture 9:
    Your Turn to Keep Them Listening and...
    Lecture 10:
    Tailor Your Approach
    Lecture 11:
    Your Turn to Tailor Your Approach to Any...

SECTION 3: Maintain Your Momentum

    Lecture 12:
    Stay On Track and Minimize Distractions
    Lecture 13:
    Your Turn to Stay on Track to Minimize...
    Lecture 14:
    Avoid Common Presentation Mistakes
    Lecture 15:
    Your Turn to Avoid Common...
    Lecture 16:
    Closing: Use The Top 5 Public Speaking Best...
    Lecture 17:
    Conclusion - Next Steps: Harness the...


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