Tuesday 1 October 2013

[GET] Udemy - How to Kick Ass in School - Learn Samurai


by Richard Hart
There are 5 roadblocks most students face when it comes to effective learning and success in school.
I'll be cover all 5 of them in these in this video, but before I get to that I'd like to share a personal experience with you

Hi I'm Richard Hart,

I was a university student just like you and in my first year of school, I almost flunked out before I discovered a major oversight in modern education.

You see, I spent the majority of my schooling being told WHAT to learn, but not much time at all was spent showing me HOW to learn.

As a result I spent countless hours every night trying to stay on top of my studies, but constantly feeling like I was falling farther and father behind. At one point I seriously questioned whether I was cut out for University and had what it takes to succeed. I was trying my best, but my best just didn't seem to be good enough.
Once I realized what the problem really was, I began to find the solution and was able to significantly improve the way I learned and ultimately graduate with honours.

So here are the 5 major roadblocks I faced as a student and how I overcame them.

Roadblock 1 - I didn't understand how my memory worked and how to use it effectively
Once I had a better understanding of how my brain worked, I was able to to radically boost my ability to remember whatever I wanted, which had an instant almost impact on my grades.

Roadblock 2 - I failed to understand the powerful impact sleep had on my learning.
Once I cut out the cramming and late night studying and began to get regular sleep and leverage the power of naps, my ability to learn exploded.

Roadblock 3 - I had no idea how my brain worked and how to study effectively.
I learned how to break down what I was trying to learn into bite sized chucks, leverage short study sessions and make use of spaced repetition.

Roadblock 4- I felt like I was the worlds slowest reader!
There is a lot to read in university and college and man did it take me a long time to do it before I found simple and practical ways to boost my reading speed.

Roadblock 5 - While I understood what procrastination was, I often found it difficult to overcome.
When you're feeling overwhelmed or distracted it can be easy procrastination can take hold. Once I understood the reasons behind procrastination, I was better able to take control over my studies and my life.
Since graduating I spent over a decade continuing to hone my ability to learn and teach and I'm still shocked that to this very day students are still not being taught How to learn effectively in school.
I created this course to close the gap, so that any student taking this course can benefit from my experience and begin to master the skills and techniques for effective learning.
In just over 1 hour, my unique, highly focused, hands on course I'll show you how to:
-Understand how your brain works and learn to use it more effectively
-Radically boost your memory and recall.
-Make sleep and breaks work to your advantage
-Detect and deal with stress
-Improve your learning by improving what you eat
-Free up more time by learning to read faster
-Practical and effective ways to tackle procrastination head on
As a former student and a successful college and online instructor, I believe any student can and will benefit from my new course.
But if your still not sure, don't forget, Udemy has a 30 day money back guarantee. So take my course, watch every video, try every exercise and if you don't feel it's helped you improve your ability to learn, just ask for a refund within the first 30 days. It's that simple.
Remember, your education is one of the biggest investments you will ever make, so make it count!
Sign up and start learning how to kick @$$ in school today!

SECTION 1: Intro

    Lecture 1:
    Lecture 2:
    Lecture 3:
    What is Learning?
    Lecture 4:
    Attention Matters
    Lecture 5:
    How Your Brain Learns
    Lecture 6:
    Lecture 7:
    3 Steps to Learning
    Lecture 8:
    Improving Your Learning Odds
    Lecture 9:
    Put Yourself to the Test
    10 questions
    Quiz 1:
    Quiz 1

SECTION 2: Encoding

    Lecture 10:
    Lecture 11:
    The PEG Method
    Lecture 12:
    Remembering Numbers with the...
    Lecture 13:
    Remembering Names
    Lecture 14:
    The Method of Loci
    10 questions
    Quiz 2:
    Quiz 2

SECTION 3: Sleep and Breaks

    Lecture 15:
    The Importance of Taking Breaks
    Lecture 16:
    The Importance of Sleep
    5 questions
    Quiz 3:
    Quiz 3

SECTION 4: Dealing With Stress

    Lecture 17:
    Lecture 18:
    My Take on Meditation
    5 questions
    Quiz 4:
    Quiz 4

SECTION 5: Food For Thought

    Lecture 19:
    Eating Right
    5 questions
    Quiz 5:
    Quiz 5

SECTION 6: Reading Faster

    Lecture 20:
    Common Reasons for Slow Reading
    Lecture 21:
    Reading Faster
    5 questions
    Quiz 6:
    Quiz 6

SECTION 7: Dealing with Procrastination

    Lecture 22:
    What is Procrastination and...
    Lecture 23:
    How to deal with procrastination

SECTION 8: Closing

    Lecture 24:
    Thank You For Taking My Course

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