Friday 18 December 2015

[GET] Udemy - Friendship Rules: How to Make Friends and Keep Friends

Friendship Rules: How to Make Friends and Keep Friends

Learn the Art of Building Meaningful Friendships From Scratch That Will Go Long Term 

Course Description

Course Updated 14 December 2015
Why are 10,482 students wanting me to mentor them in 33 Udemy courses? 10,482 students have started learning from me since August 7th 2015. Shouldn't you find out why?
Do you struggle to make friends? Are you looking for a simple way to make new friends? Even better, would you like to build long lasting friendships?
No matter what the luck you have had with friendships so far, this course will change all that!
You will learn how to rate higher on the friends scale. You have to ask yourself though, are you truly ready to make new friends? Do you have time to spend with these new friends? Friendships will need nurturing, so you will need to be ready for new friends and also have time to spend with them.
After this course you will learn if your personality is ready and if your mind is ready for new friends. Remember long term friendships requires nurturing, just as a plant needs water to grow and then thrive.
You are about to discover where to find friends with similar interests to you. Friends are all around us, but we need to stop being so preoccupied so we can find them!
Discover where to look to find friends easily - both online and offline
You will also learn a tried and tested method to easily "break the ice" in any conversation and how to leave an impression!
Take this course today to learn how to make deep and meaningful friendships.

What are the requirements?

  • Notebook or Journal to Take Lots of Notes
  • Open Mind and Willingness to Implement

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 23 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
  • Learn Why Having Friends is Essential
  • Learn how to rate higher on the friend scale
  • Are You Ready To Have More Friends
  • Is Your Personality Ready for Friendship?
  • Is Your Mind Ready for Friendship?
  • Learn Where To Look For Friends
  • Discover Why Joining a Class or Club Will Open Up New Friendship Opportunities
  • Master How To Nurture Friendships
  • How To Break the Ice in Conversation

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone Wanting To Build a Wider Circle of Friends

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