Friday 18 December 2015

[GET] Udemy - The Author's Golden Nugget That Creates Best-Sellers

The Author's Golden Nugget That Creates Best-Sellers

The Secret to a World Class Best-Selling Book - Readers Will Rave About and Sell Your Book 

Course Description

For Nonfiction Authors
Watch the video above to find out how much you will benefit from taking this course.
Get readers to rave about your book and tell others to buy it.
Get lots of reviews without having to ask.
Create a book of similar quality to the top echelon best-sellers.
I have had my share of best-sellers on Amazon. I used to look in awe at the best-selling books at the top of the tree. Titles like Mindset, The Gifts of Imperfection, Influence, and How to Win Friends and Influence People. These books continue to outsell most others, year after year. They have thousands of reviews and people recommend others to buy them. What if I could do that?
Whilst reading a book by Dale Carnegie, I got that ah ha moment. "This is what makes these books so popular," I thought. This is the author's golden nugget.
I rushed off to find out everything I could learn on the subject. With my learning came the trial and error.
What emerged was the 'how to do it'.
Although I haven't produced a book that ranks alongside How to Win Friends and Influence People, the books I have used this in have generated a lot of sales. Not only that, reviews poured in. In them, readers have said how much they enjoyed reading.
This discovery will allow you to teach in a way readers understand and remember. It is the top way to demonstrate anything idea, method, step, or anything. It is the best way to warn readers about anything. You will be able to persuade people to do what you want them to. It is the best way to get readers to believe, like, and trust you (bar none).
Discover what I did. Start writing books that readers rave about. Enroll now.

What are the requirements?

  • You will have written, or will write, a nonfiction book.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 24 lectures and 1.5 hours of content!
  • Create quality books that readers tell others about.
  • Get loads of reviews without having to ask.
  • Teach people in the best way possible.
  • Demonstrate anything so anyone can understand.
  • Warn readers in a way that has the most impact.
  • Persuade people to agree with you or do what you want them to.
  • Get readers to like and trust you.

What is the target audience?

  • This course is meant for authors of nonfiction books. This is not for fiction authors.

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