Wednesday 19 November 2014

Smart Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs

Accelerate business success by learning to set smart goals that are strategic, realistic, & follow specific guidelines.

If you're an entrepreneur, you that time is valuable. Quite literally—time is money.

In this course, you'll learn how to set goals that will save you oodles of time by learning smart goal setting that is measurable, time-oriented, methodical, and data-driven.

Goals are one of the fundamentals of effective business. Although everyone sets them, most don't set them in a way that will guide them to achievement.

Smart goal setting takes goals from vague desires to well-thought-out, calculated goals that are reachable and driven by success of short-term goals.

After we go over the essential parts of developing a smart goal, you'll download a spreadsheet and be walked through setting a 12 month goal, while breaking it down into meaningful stepping stones that will map out the road to accomplishing it.

Goal setting is important, but it's only half of the equation. If you don't have the right tools to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable, you run a high risk of failure.

After setting your 12 month goal, we'll explore 5 methods to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable.

In this course, you will learn:

• How to identify goals that are ambitious, but reachable

• How to use data and research to determine time frames and measure progress

• How to use the 3 essential parts of a smart goal

• How to work backward and set short-term goals that work toward a long-term goal

• 5 Methods to stay motivated and hold yourself accountable with examples of how to execute; including peer-to-peer mentorship, forming routines, and staying hyper focused.

Once you master these skills, you'll be able to move toward the success of anything you want to achieve with all the right tools and confidence that you're on the right path.

I'm always available to help you in setting and reaching your goals. Get started!

Original Price : $19

Yours : 100% Off (Free)
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