Sunday 2 November 2014

Happiness Is Up To You: Learn How To Be Happy

Why wait for your dreams to manifest in order to be happy? Learn how to find happiness now with tried and tested methods.

Learn the truth about how your happiness is up to you and then use the fun tools and exercises to prove it to yourself.
Never again allow your happiness to be a victim of your circumstances with this detailed and fun tutorial on happiness studies.
Learn About Emotions and How They Serve Us
Find Out About the Different Types of Happiness
Train Yourself to Overcome Our Natural Negativity Bias
Have Fun with All 10 Tried and Tested Happiness Exercises
Monitor your Progress as You Go
Gain a Life Skill That Will Benefit You in Any Situation
Psychologists only recently understand the value of prevention of mental illness and depression by taking control of your own life, rather than allowing others to influence your happiness.
In simple and easy to understand lectures, you will learn how to understand your emotions and the truth about happiness, so that you can begin to take charge of your life.
You’ll become familiar with the tools that make this possible, so that they eventually become second nature. This means that you bounce back quickly from any of life’s problems.
And best of all, you can measure your own progress as we move through the course with the Happiness Survey, so that you can see the improvements in your happiness levels with concrete figures. This will be private for you alone.
I will be here to support, advise and encourage you through every aspect of the course.
Content and Overview
After several years of studying the latest research on Positive Psychology and The Science of Happiness from the most trusted academic institutions in the world, I designed this course to be usable, fun and effective for everyone, whether they have any previous knowledge in the area, or none.
We’ll begin by looking at our emotions and how they are controlled by our thoughts. This also involves an exercise on evoking emotions at will.
Then we’ll move on the Happiness. Most people are not aware that there is more than one kind of happiness. We’ll talk about which one you want to cultivate most.
We are all born with an inbuilt bias towards negativity. This certainly helps us to anticipate danger, but you will learn to know when and how to overcome it in order to get happy.
With this important background information under your belt, you can then have some serious fun with the 10 exercises. It will be most beneficial if you can tackle them one at a time and for a minimum of 7 days.
Then you can take a look at your progress by completing another happiness survey.
Finally you take a look back over the exercises and I can help you to decide which ones you liked the best and are likely to incorporate into your life from here on in.
I am not going to make exaggerated claims about making all your dreams come true by doing this course. But I will guarantee that you will benefit positively by engaging in the exercises. How much you benefit is up to what level you engage.
I am available throughout to answer any questions or help with any problems relating to the course.

Original Price : $80

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