Tuesday 13 October 2015

[GET] Udemy - Business Development Masterclass

Business Development Masterclass

Business Development Course for Start Ups and Entrepreneurs - Become the Ultimate Business Development Manager! 

Course Description

Have you ever wondered what makes a successful Salesman?
Why is the other guy good at Business Development and you are struggling?
Well, to be successful you need to have a system!
And now I am sharing the exact Business Development and Sales system I have developed in an Investment Banking career lasting over 25 years!
I have closed hundreds of millions of dollars of deals ranging from Startup Funding deals for $500k upto a multibillion deal acquiring one of Asia's leading cement companies for a European buyer!
"Personality has a lot to do with being an effective sales person"
All this did not happen by accident!
This Course will give you the Business Development and Sales training to rapidly accelerate your Business Development and Sales results!
What do YOU need from this Course?
  • Are you looking to land a Business Development job?
  • Do you need to use my System to achieve a major acceleration in your Business Development and Sales?
  • Do you need a System to train your Sales Team to become more successful?
This is the exact step by step system I have used to train my teams of investment bankers to turn them into an effective Business Development and Sales Machine - now it can be yours!
"Everyone is in the Sales Business - the Most Successful people realise this basic fact? Are you one of those people?"
In this Course you will discover:
  • Why you need a structured approach to Business Development and Sales
  • My Six Key Steps to Success
  • Why you need to set Objectives and Targets at the outset
  • The importance of having Coordinated Internal and External Objectives
  • Why understanding who pays you is a great motivator
  • Discover how and why you need to segment your target market
  • Learn the importance of prioritising your market and how to do it
  • How to get the most out of your whole team's resources and the importance of team work
  • Why organising your presentation materials improves quality and makes you more efficient and productive
  • The importance of Company profiles and what you need to know about your prospective clients
  • The only three key reports you need and how to manage them
  • Why Marketing Reports are so important and exactly how to write them
  • Why the First Meeting is so important and how to get it!
  • How to organise a calling programme that gets results
  • The importance of reaching the Decision Maker and how to get a meeting with him (or her)
  • What to do if you can't get through to the Decision Maker (hint: How to!)
  • What to say to the Decision Maker and why you say what you do
  • How to create a "Hook" the client can't resist
  • How to deal with objections and put-offs and how to turn them to your advantage
  • Why an Objection can be a Selling Opportunity
  • How to behave in the First Meeting to make it a success
  • Why and How to sell your business competence
  • Why you should never leave the First Meeting without agreeing to the next Appointment and how to get your prospect to agree
  • The objectives you must have for the Second and Third Meeting
  • The importance of building the client relationship
  • Why you need a detailed strategic understanding of your prospects business
  • The Six Key Areas of Strategic Interest
  • Why you need to understand the Product/Service Fit
  • The Importance of Setting Up the Pitch - before the meeting and what you need to do
  • How to conduct the Pitch Meeting to get the result you want
  • How to avoid the pitfalls inexperienced salesmen make
  • How to negotiate winning deal economics
  • Why you should never fall off the radar of your prospect and how to avoid doing so
  • Why aggressively qualifying opportunities is the secret to closing deals
  • The Common Sales Mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Why you might be talking to the wrong Decision Maker and how to spot that you are
  • What is my 5 Visit Rule and why you should stick to it
  • The importance of creating a sales culture in your organisation
"Do not confuse lots of activity with effectiveness or revenue generation"
As you can see I have not held back! This course is not padded out with lots of extra fluffy lectures, Every lecture delivers an important lesson
All lectured have downloadable PDFs to back up the videos
Money Back Guarantee
I fully endorse Udemy's 100% No Quibble 30 Day Money Back Guarantee! If this course does not work for you - simply refund - No hard feelings I promise!
Can You Afford NOT to take this Course?
Every moment you delay is costing you sales and money!
Just one deal will repay you far more than the modest cost of this course. I have spent 25 years learning these lessons - now they are yours at the click of a button!
Just imagine how great its going to be when you are the Star Business Development Executive your organisation looks up to - and how valuable that is going to make you in the job market!
Enrol Now!
Lets get started on your road to Business Development and Sales Success! Click on the Take this Course Button now!

What are the requirements?

  • Students will benefit from an interest in and understanding of business but this course can be taken by anyone who wants to learn the essence of how to develop business and sales for their business.
  • To run a business development function you will need access to a computer, the internet, be familiar with creating presentations with powerpoint or keynote and be able to create basic spreadsheets and word documents for reporting purposes. I do not teach computer skills in this course.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 60 lectures and 4.5 hours of content!
  • At the end of the Course you will be able to run a full Business Development and Lead Generation team or conduct Business Development on your own
  • Be recognised as a Business Development expert
  • Grasp the key steps and the details of the whole business development process
  • Know how to set key goals and objectives and know the steps to take to achieve them
  • Know how to segment and prioritise a target market to identify real business prospects
  • How to get the first meeting with the Key Decision Maker you must be speaking to
  • How to effectively organise your team to get the best results from everyone
  • How to create effective presentation material in a fast and efficient way
  • Why you only need THREE key reports and exactly what they are
  • How to organise your team to get more meetings than you can manage
  • How to deal with put-offs and objections and how to turn them to your advantage
  • What you have to do at the First Meeting to make it a success
  • Why the Next Meeting is so important, how to get it and what you need from it
  • The Six Key Areas of Strategic Interest you must master about your client's business
  • How to set up a successful pitch and why this helps you to avoid basic errors
  • How to make your Pitch successful and the pitfalls to avoid
  • How to get the deal economics you want to make the deal a success for you
  • How and why you must constantly qualify your revenue opportunities aggressively
  • How to avoid the most common sales mistakes
  • What is the 5 Visit Rule and why it saves you time and money

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone seeking to be a successful in business development and sales
  • Company owners, sales directors, startups, enterpreneurs who need to find more clients and close more deals
  • Individual consultants who want to be more effective and efficient and avoid wasting time on deals they will never get
  • Marketing professionals, sales leaders
  • You do not need to take this course if you are a business development and sales expert, although you might find the detailed coaching helpful to remind you of some of the details you may have forgotten

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