Saturday 12 September 2015

[GET] Udemy - Learn to Use Buyer Persona to Make Your Product Fail Proof

Learn to Use Buyer Persona to Make Your Product Fail Proof

A highly actionable course to empower you with tools to nail your buyer mindset and make your product/service compelling 

Course Description

What does it take to create a stellar online presence and craft a super successful pitch for your offering that gets you traction? A deep rooted understanding of your audience. Yes that's all. But then devil lies in the detail.
If you don't have your persona exactly nailed down then you'd end up wasting a lot of money, time and effort on the wrong sub set and that smells of disaster. If you're in the pre-launch phase, of a new service or product or maybe even trying to tweak your existing offering in terms of marketing/positioning to set yourself on the high growth path, then this is the place to be. Even if you are a student willing to catapult yourself into the digital hemisphere and become employer's delight, then this course teaches you to squarely aim and hit at the boundary.
I use nifty hacks of psychology, persuasion and of course probing to help you achieve your goal. I have also dissected buyer personas and pitches from some of the best in business. This course could prove career-transforming. So what are we waiting for? Let's get started!

What are the requirements?

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 8 lectures and 55 mins of content!
  • Dissect buyer persona for your offering
  • Nail down the keywords for their offering in digital space
  • Probe their existing set of users for insights
  • Carve out a positioning strategy based on what appeals to their buyer persona
  • Craft a compelling pitch for their offer through a nifty pitch skeleton technique

What is the target audience?

  • Entrepreneurs who want high growth results by gaining insights into buyer persona
  • Budding entrepreneurs who are willing to launch their own offering into the market
  • Students willing to catapult into the digital hemisphere and raise their employ-ability quotient

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