Sunday 22 March 2015

6 John Colley's Courses For 100% Discount (FREE)! | Udemy 100% Discount Coupon

6 Courses worth $682 from popular Instructor and Coach on Udemy.

John Colley | MA(Cantab), MBA, FSI, The Six Minute Strategist

After spending five years as a Regular Officer in the British Army, I moved into the Financial World and have been advising Companies since 1988. I co-founded my first firm in 2001 and I have been a partner at my second since 2008. I have been active blogging online since 2010, making videos and have launched two Podcasts, one of which, The Online Learning Podcast can be found as a course here on Udemy.

Quick Facts about me:

1. Because I spent a total of five years after University as a British Army Officer in the Royal Tank Regiment, I understand that giving orders is all about making sure that your team know what to do, how to do it and when!
2. Because I have a Masters Degree from Cambridge University and an MBA with Distinction from Cass Business School, I understand a wide range of business frameworks which help me to interpret business challenges
3. Because I have been advising Entrepreneurs and Companies since 1988, with deal sizes between $500k and $3 Billion, I have had the privilege of working with some amazing entrepreneurs and business leaders on some incredible deals
4. Because I have been active in Social Media since joining Ecademy in 2002 (blogging, podcasting and making business videos) I understand its complexity and how to use it to create business growth and opportunity
5. Because I am over 50, I have been around for several business cycles and understand that continual learning is not an optional extra but an essential business necessity. This makes me passionate about teaching what I know to you all.
6. Because I have a Border Collie called Henry, I get to go on wonderful walks and have barking sounds interupting my interviews and course recordings :)
7. Because I specialise in the technology sector, encompassing IT services, software, telecoms services, outsourcing and clean technology, I understand the incredible pace of change that technology is driving and its critical importance in the future of business.

Because I am an active Blogger, Podcaster and Keynote Speaker primarily on the subjects of Business Strategy and Online Marketing, I relish the opportunity to interact and meet with entrepreneurs and share ideas and inspiration. Please ask me any questions you might have about my courses - I may not have an immediate answer, but I will find it!

Because of my experience, I am also available for coaching/mentoring to people who have completed my courses and are putting their new skills to work on real projects. Contact me through Udemy or the links below my profile picture. I am here to help!

Get these 100% discount coupon of 6 courses for limited time only!

1. "Social Media Strategy: The Crucial Steps You NEED to Know" ($97 value)
Avoid the Beginners' Mistakes: Learn the Frameworks and Strategies to create your successful Social Media Strategy.

2. "Startups in Six Simple Steps: A Startup Business Framework" ($97 value)
Are You Afraid to Start your Startup: Grab the Frameworks You Need to Succeed as a Startup Entrepreneur and Get Going!

3. "Online Marketing Plan: Set Your Online Business for Success" ($97 value)
8 Step Formula to set up my Online Business, create leads, build trust, engage customers and make profits - Step by Step.

4. "Mergers and Acquisitions DeMystified - How Deals are Done!" ($97 value)
Understand the M&A Process and Get Inside the Mindset of the Combatants so that you can Learn the Rules of the Game.

5. "Linkedin: Double Your Network In Half The Time" ($197 value)
Learn How to Increase Your Connections, Leads and Sales by Networking more Productively Applying the 80:20 Rule.

6. "Introduction to 12 Essential Principles of Great Copywriting" ($97 value)
Learn 12 Actionable Steps to improve your copywriting today! Simple and Easy - Start Today - Make more sales tomorrow!

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