Friday 31 October 2014

Setup A WordPress Website on GoDaddy - From Start To Finish

WordPress and GoDaddy are two incredibly powerful tools to make an amazing Website. Get setup quickly and easily.

WordPress is the most widely used content management system on the planet. That's simply because it is so powerful and yet easy to use.
GoDaddy is the most widely used hosting platform on the planet. That's because they are affordable and also easy to use.
This course mashes those two items together to help you create an amazing Website quickly and easily.
I will walk you through every step of the process to get your site setup, running and looking great.
If you have wanted to get a Website for your business or organization or if you have wanted to move your Website to WordPress this course is for you!
This is a video-based course that shows you how to setup everything step by step.
If you have never setup a Web hosting account or Website before you will feel your brain stretch a bit as you go. But just follow each step and you will be up and running in no time.
You could realistically be up and running in an afternoon.
This course is meant to take the mystery out of making a Website. It's not out of the realm of your capability. WordPress and GoDaddy make setting up a Website straight forward and easy. This course guides you through the process so you are sure to have everything up and running correctly and effectively.

Original Price : $99

Yours : 100% Off (Free)
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