Sunday 24 November 2013

[GET] Udemy - Selecting the Correct Franchise

Selecting the Correct Franchise

This course will teach an individual the process for choosing the correct Franchise amongst the 3,500 that exist.
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by Frank Caperino
 The course covers the basics of how to select the correct franchise that will fit your work requirements and lifestyle.  This course will also help people decide if they want a Franchise business instead of attempting to start it on their own.
I wrote a book on Franchising called, "Buying a Franchise: 24 Items to Beware of Before Signing".  I will distribute this to all participants in the course.
There are five 16-18 minute sessions recorded.  It could be from one week to four weeks depending on the students pace.
The course is structured according to a series of questions that I would ask an individual to find a custom Franchise for their needs.  I continue from one session to the next with further questioning on different topics.  I also describe different Franchise topics as we proceed.  I tell the participants that they can email me and I will respond to their questions in 24 to 48 hours.  At the end of the course, they can also sign up at my website for a free Franchise Consultation; if that is something they desire.
Participants should take this course if they were laid-off from their job or they want a work life change and would now like to work for themselves. Some individuals would like to start a Franchise as an investment and keep their present position, because there are semi-absentee and absentee Franchises that give you this opportunity.

SECTION 1: Introduction to Selecting the Correct Franchise.

    Lecture 1:
    Introduction to Realizing Your Dream!!

SECTION 2: Discussion of the series of questions to discover your correct Franchise.

    Lecture 2:
    Motivations, Pre-Conceived...
    Lecture 3:
    Your Experience, Background and...
    Lecture 4:
    Risk Tolerance and Sales Interest and...
    Lecture 5:
    Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth. Benefits...
    1 question
    Quiz 1:
    Quiz on the Four Lectures.
    1 question
    Quiz 2:
    Why do we need to know your sales interest?
    1 question
    Quiz 3:
    Why do you need to know your Risk Tolerance?

SECTION 3: Buying a Franchise: 24 Items to Beware of Before Signing!!

    174 pages
    Lecture 6:
    Please Read the Attached Ebook.
    1 question
    Quiz 4:
    What is the most Important part of a Retail Lease?
    1 question
    Quiz 5:
    Why are the Transfer Fees so important?
    1 question
    Quiz 6:
    Why is it so Important to pick a good Architect for your Retail Location?

SECTION 4: Realize Your Dream Summary!!

    Lecture 7:
    Six Steps to Selecting the Correct Franchise!!

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